by IPITIA | Dec 4, 2024 | Others
The therapy we follow at IPITIA can be considered eclectic and integrative. Eclectic means that we take aspects from different psychological lines, from Theodore Millon’s biopsychosocial theory, from cognitivism, from Carl Gustav Jung’s theory, from...
by IPITIA | Oct 17, 2023 | Others
Many people contact Ipitia when they have been suffering from an obsessive disorder for years. They have often been dealing with obsessive thoughts and compulsions for a long time. This makes their daily routine extremely difficult and reduce their quality of life. It...
by IPITIA | Oct 2, 2023 | Others
Why is it important to go to the psychologist when you think you might have OCD? Mental health is as important as physical health. When you have a mental health problem, your daily life can be greatly affected and great suffering is generated. Sometimes, the person...
by IPITIA | Sep 30, 2022 | Others
When we talk about OCD therapy, we often mention the need to break through mental blocks as a fundamental part of the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. What are mental blocks in OCD? What blocks affect each type of OCD: religious OCD, relationship OCD,...
by IPITIA | Sep 1, 2022 | Others
General doubts about OCD During the month of August, we have talked about general doubts about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. What causes OCD? What are your symptoms? What types of obsessions are the most common? How can it be overcome? What are the main doubts...