How to help yourself overcome OCD
The AFOP method, if you read my blog, is based on psycho-physical techniques developed by me, as well as profound therapeutic work, but there are some basic considerations which can help the patient in his or her journey to a full recovery from OCD. They are 15 simple and general guidelines and may not suit everyone, but I recommend incoporating several so as to aid in the therapeutic process. I have broken them down into several categories:
Food and drinks to be avoided:
– Coffee
– Tea
– Soda drinks containing caffeine
– Chocolate
– Alcohol
– Energy drinks
– Spicy foods
– It is important that one follow a diet low in animal protein, sugar, wheat and dairy products.
Physical recommendations:
– It is highly recommendable to undertake a group or solo sport, especially ones which can help to work out excess aggression
– Yoga (of all kinds)
– Dancing
– Primal screaming (but the cries must come from the diaphragm, they have to potent and executed without fear.)
Social recommendations:
– Involvement in a social group, club or association which is detached from the family unit.
– Reading and studying in libraries.
– Socialising with friends and doing activities of all sorts with them.
Clinical Psychologist
Jungian Analyst
Director of IPITIA