Many people contact Ipitia when they have been suffering from an obsessive disorder for years. They have often been dealing with obsessive thoughts and compulsions for a long time. This makes their daily routine extremely difficult and reduce their quality of life. It is very common for them to have tried various therapies without achieving the expected results.
These steps are especially important according to the Experiential Analytical methodology for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety.
First, the psychologist carries out an evaluation of the case to design a personalized treatment plan. It is important that the treatment is not standardized, since no two people are the same. Even if you suffer from the same disorder, people are different, each one lives in their own environment and circumstances. They also have different personalities, interests and aspirations. The same techniques and tools do not work for everyone, which is why it is so important to personalize therapy.
Once treatment has begun, the psychologist analyzes the causes of your OCD or anxiety and why it persists over time. You probably ask yourself “why does OCD occur to me?” “Why do I have this anxiety and these obsessive thoughts?” Therapeutic analysis seeks to find out the causes of the disorder. Having the right information is the first step to start fighting it.
People with OCD or anxiety have very often grown up inhibiting their true emotions and desires. Throughout their lives they have accommodated their personality as a defense mechanism. They often give a lot of importance to social norms and the opinions of others. For these reasons, the person with OCD has parts of their personality very blocked. In therapy, the psychologist will help point out these inhibited instincts and break the blockages, through various therapeutic techniques and activities.
The last step will be to identify the necessary changes and what the person’s true desires are. In this way, we seek to achieve a change of life.